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Meet Pupper 


    Pupper is a huge reason why I started this business. She was my childhood dog. I rescued her when she was only a year old. She was my best friend. I always say she was baby before I had babies. When she met the children, she became their miniature protector. She was a Miniature Schnauzer after all. 
    Pupper went to the Rainbow Bridge on 9/23/2019. I really wanted to get a memorial piece for her and since I am overly crafty, I knew I could make the perfect piece.  I ended up finding a super cute pawprint mold and decided to add her ashes to that, I also wanted a piece that I could carry around with me. I decided a ring with her ashes would be perfect, and it was!
    I had a friend reach out asking if I could do the same with breast milk and I decided to give it a whirl. She donated milk to me and I was able to trial and error until I got it just right! I found a process where you take 10ml of breast milk and add it to a preserving powder. The method worked, however, I felt there was more powder than milk in the ring. So, I experimented a little more and found my own processing method turning the milk into a powder. This process takes about 3oz of milk but knowing the ring is just your milk mixed with a non-toxic epoxy resin is worth the extra milk to me! I am absolutely still able to make your piece with only 10ml of milk so if that is all you have we can still create the perfect piece for you!

Our Story


    Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Jeaniejo and I am the owner of Jaw Dropping Innovations. My husband Dan and I met through online dating in 2013. We got Married in April of 2018. Together we have 3 beautiful children, we also have 3 cats and a dog. 
    I am an obsessed crafter, and I love to learn all the new things. I remember years ago, I used to make duct tape items, pens, wallets, dresses you name it I tapped it. I like to think of myself as Jack of all Trades when it comes to crafting. If I don't know how, you can bet I will find every how-to video until I can master it. However, when I found this craft, it was totally different. I will never get over people’s faces when they get to see their pieces, and the excitement I get when I package up an order to ship.

After I had left my full time job to follow my dreams. Our local newspaper reached out to do a story. Check out our story from Elijah's perspective!

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